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So far TM has created 45 blog entries.

Be Careful Calling 800 Numbers for Medicare Help

Be Careful Calling 800 Numbers for Medicare Help!!   Do we have an 800 number for our business?  Yes, but we are specifically referring to 800 numbers that then lead you to call centers.   Are Medicare call centers all bad?  No way!  Some of them will truly help you.  Our concern for Medicare beneficiaries is

2023-08-10T14:04:18-07:00August 10th, 2023|

Medicare Preparation for 2024

Medicare preparation for 2024 is already happening around here at Senior Solutions Group.  Have you heard about people doing "Christmas in July"?  That how it kind of feels for us, it's time to get all of our ducks in a row so we are ready for the open enrollment season and Medicare 2024. You

2023-07-19T10:43:19-07:00July 19th, 2023|

I’m Not Against Medicare Advantage Plans

I'm not against Medicare Advantage plans.  I promise!  I am actually pro-Medicare Advantage if it is the right fit for my clients.  For some people with their health, their budget and other things they have going on in their life, this is a good solution for health care coverage.  Medicare Advantage plans do have

2024-03-21T18:49:57-07:00June 20th, 2023|

Medicare Supplements Dying?

Medicare Supplements dying? It is so interesting to talk over Medicare plan options with all the people we come into contact with on a daily basis.  One client hears from their neighbor that the Medicare Advantage plans are the best.  Another hears from her sister that a Medicare Supplement is the best.  Someone else

2023-05-04T15:50:18-07:00May 4th, 2023|

Medicare for Washington State PEBB Retirees

Medicare for Washington State PEBB Retirees can be confusing and difficult at times.  PEBB (sometimes called SEBB) stands for Public Employees Benefits Board.  This usually applies to teachers, many school employees and State employees in Washington State.  Your Medicare options are different than the general public.  You have Washington State Retiree insurance that include

2023-04-12T12:04:56-07:00April 12th, 2023|

What is the Medicare OEP?

What is the Medicare OEP?  This is another Open Enrollment Period from January 1 through March 31st for Medicare beneficiaries.  The OEP allows beneficiaries who are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan to make a one-time change. Beneficiaries can use the Medicare Open Enrollment Period to: Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another

2023-03-08T14:36:10-08:00March 8th, 2023|

We Help People

We help people navigate a complicated Medicare system as well as other retirement issues. Often this includes social security and pension and income planning needs. It would be easy for us to promise you smooth sailing if you use our team but it doesn’t always work that way. Our Federal Medicare system isn’t perfect

2023-02-02T13:34:16-08:00February 2nd, 2023|

Medicare for 2022

Medicare for 2022 has been a blast for us.  Is it easy?  No, but we kind of think that things that are easy are not always worth it.  Yes, each year holds changes for Medicare; be it Medicare Part B premium changes, carrier changes, Medicare Part D drugs that now aren't covered under one

2022-12-22T13:42:51-08:00December 22nd, 2022|

Is it the end of Medicare Advantage Ads?

Is it the end of Medicare Advantage Ads? Are you beyond sick and tired of all the endless advertisements for Medicare Advantage plans?  On Oct. 19, 2022 CMS (Centers for Medicare Services) released a memo saying they are monitoring the advertisements that you are seeing over and over on TV.    CMS is concerned

2022-11-03T17:19:05-07:00November 3rd, 2022|

Medicare Changes for 2023

Medicare changes for 2023 that affect you!   We have the new changes for you for 2023 Medicare.  In 2023, we are even going to see some price reductions!  Can you believe it? The hospital deductible for Medicare will go from $1556 for 2022 to $1600 for 2023.  Remember if you only have Medicare A

2022-10-14T14:07:53-07:00October 14th, 2022|
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